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  • With nearly 21,000 reports of stalking in 2013, 90.3% of the victims were women and 86.9% of the perpetrators were men.
  • Although Japanese women now participate in the labor force at a higher rate, their labor market experiences are often less rewarding than those of their American counterparts.
  • In 1969,twelve weeks of paid maternity leavewere guaranteed by the Japanese government; a series of reforms in 1992 and 1995 expanded this to one year of paid leave available to both parents.
  • These inequalities affect many aspects of individuals who do not identify with heterosexual marriage norms including social and legal discrimination in the work place, education, healthcare, and housing, with the legal discrimination stemming from the Koseki.
  • They continued to have nearly total responsibility for home and children and often justified their employment as an extension of their responsibilities for the care of their families.

There have been changes to try and fight social discrimination such as the Japanese Ministry of Health enforcing work place regulations against income and social discrimination of someone due to their sexual orientation. The gender roles that discourage Japanese women from seeking elected office have been further consolidated through Japan's model of the welfare state. In particular, since the postwar period, Japan has adopted the "male breadwinner" model, which favors a nuclear-family household in which the husband is the breadwinner for the family while the wife is a dependant. When the wife is not employed, the family eligible for social insurance services and tax deductions.

Another critique suggests the cars send the signal that men create a dangerous environment for women, who cannot protect themselves. Japanese and foreign women and girls have been victims of sex trafficking in Japan. They are raped in brothels and other locations and experience physical and psychological trauma. Japanese anti-sex trafficking legislation and laws have been criticized as being lacking. Of the 200,000 abortions performed per year, however, 10% are teenage women, a number which has risen since 1975. At 87 years, the life expectancy more on of Japanese women is the longest of any gender anywhere in the world. Notably, Tsuruko Haraguchi, the first woman in Japan to earn a PhD, did so in the US, as no Meiji-era institution would allow her to receive her doctorate.

Professional life

Male heads of households with only daughters would adopt male heirs to succeed them, sometimes through arranged marriage to a daughter. Heads of households were responsible for house finances, but could delegate to another family member or retainer . Women in these households were typically subject to arranged marriages at the behest of the household's patriarch, with more than half of all marriages in Japan being preemptively arranged until the 1960s. Married women marked themselves by blackening their teeth and shaving their eyebrows. Although women in Japan were recognized as having equal legal rights to men after World War II, economic conditions for women remain unbalanced. Modern policy initiatives to encourage motherhood and workplace participation have had mixed results. Kishida, who has promised to redistribute wealth to Japan’s struggling middle class, appointed just three women to his 20-member cabinet and opposes calls to allow married couples to use separate surnames and to legalise same-sex marriages.

Subsequent cohorts of women in Japan have increasingly broken from this pattern. Every cohort born after the 1952–56 group has experienced a successively smaller—and somewhat delayed—early-career decline in labor force participation. Indeed, women born after 1977 have maintained or increased their participation through their 20s, with relatively muted declines in the early 30s. In contrast, women born in the 1980s in the United States do not participate at higher rates than previous cohorts, and in fact are slightly less likely to be in the labor force.

The war revolutionized the lives of Japanese women by employing them in weaving, textile, and silk factories while men were deployed. Women experienced the joy of having part time jobs, although their culture disapproved of women working for wages. Women saw their potential while serving in spheres that men used to enjoy exclusively, and they refused to return to their former limits. The first introduced a personal allowance of ¥380,000 ($3,300) for income tax on one spouse’s earnings, provided the other spouse’s earnings did not exceed ¥1.03m ($9,000)—the kind of pay that comes with a part-time job, mainly affecting women. Applying to 13 sectors in 1986, 26 from 1999, and all since 2015, this law has mainly affected women and young people. The younger generation is more open, and more engaged on issues such as the environment and the work/family balance.

At the national level, the Kishida administration’s new capitalism agenda includes a 400-billion-yen package for investments in people over the next three years. One of the key elements of this plan envisions public-private sector momentum to promote the success of women in science, such as the establishment of STEM education enrollment support program. Cultural stereotypes and expectations of women as perfect mothers create high levels of pressure for women to perform in caregiving roles. The particular emphasis of this paper has been on the surprising relative progress of Japanese women starting in 2000. However, wage and unemployment trends do not suggest a large role for this explanation over the 2000–16 period. Both Japanese and U.S. men’s inflation-adjusted wages have been roughly stagnant from 2000 to 2016, and Japanese prime-age men’sunemployment rateactually fell 0.7 percentage points from 2000 to 2016.

The center-left Constitutional Democratic Party , the main opposition party, had 18.3 percent women. The Communist Party did better with 35.4 percent, and the Social Democratic Party had 60 percent, though only nine candidates in total. Lady Murasaki, the author, illustrates the use of women for political advancement through marriage throughout the plot line.

During the 21st century, Japanese women are working in higher proportions than the United States's working female population. Income levels between men and women in Japan are not equal; the average Japanese woman earns 40 percent less than the average man, and a tenth of management positions are held by women. Given the dominance of men in Japanese politics, female politicians often face gender-based discrimination and harassment in Japan. They experience harassment from the public, both through social media and in-person interactions, and from their male colleagues. A 2021 survey revealed that 56.7% of 1,247 female local assembly members had been sexually harassed by voters or other politicians. Even though the 1997 revision of the EEOL criminalized sexual harassment in the workplace, female politicians in Japan often do not have the same support when they are harassed by male colleagues. The LDP has been reluctant to implement measures to counter harassment within the party and to promote gender equality more generally.

Working women in Japan

In the 1930s and 1940s, the government encouraged the formation of women's associations, applauded high fertility, and regarded motherhood as a patriotic duty to the Japanese Empire. However, it is important to note that population aging may have consequences that are less direct. For example, the increase in demand for long-term care services—a sector employing many more women than men—likely increased demand for women’s labor. These calculations are only intended to give a rough sense of the magnitudes of the shifts, as we have not attempted to identify the causal impact of rising long-term care demand. Until the late 1990s, the so-called women’s protection provisions putlimits on women’s labor market engagement, limiting hours of work and total overtime as well as prohibiting women from working in occupations deemed dangerous.

In 2019, 44.2% of employed women were part-time and temporary workers, compared to only 11.7% of employed men. Sakie Fukushima became one of the first Japanese women to become a director of a major domestic company when she joined the board of the chemical and cosmetics company Kao in 2002.

Rikejo , a term frequently heard in Japanese media and daily conversations, addresses women who are pursuing an education in STEM or working in STEM careers. This term does not have a negative or positive connotation, but instead the special term signals opportunities for businesses to align with the government’s efforts to encourage and facilitate women in STEM pursuits. In 2019, 53.3% of all Japanese women age 15 and older participated in the nation’s labor force, compared to 71.4% of men. In 2019, the average age that a Japanese woman had her first child was 30.7, compared to 25.6 in 1970. Last month, Ogata ran into trouble again with her male colleagues in Kumamoto. As she was speaking to the assembly, another lawmaker demanded to know what she had in her mouth. The men stopped the session and scoured their rule books for lozenge-eating infractions.

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