They have to fully understand business needs and are familiar with market trends. As the ones who most understand the final product, they’re essential to any software development team. As the product manager’s right-hand person, a business analyst plays a crucial role in the software development team. Alternatively, if you have a large budget and project, look for a large generalist, specialist, or hybrid team of dedicated or in-house developers.

software development team roles and responsibilities

That’s why managers should properly organize their teams and reach a win-win team composition. In this article, I will focus on every role that will help you to assemble your perfect team in detail. A business analyst may step in even before a software development team structure is defined and continue to bridge the gap between the customer and the team during later stages of development. The role involves being in charge of the whole team to supervise the development process and its market entry.

Technical lead (TL)

Therefore, other departments will be able to capture the information in the most accurate and complete way. Brought on as a third party, we supplied ongoing development services. The team work on multiple projects and deliver according to predetermined design specifications. Taking over for another vendor, we served as the ongoing software engineering partner for an energy company’s cloud-based platform.

  • The UX part stands for thinking out an entire journey of a user’s interaction with a product.
  • Spanning a maximum of nine to ten people, Agile teams allow a certain degree of autonomy, so the team members have the freedom to prioritize their workloads and shape their workflows the way they want.
  • A UX and a developer work together to have a positive impact on a product’s design and development.
  • We can say that the best option is to hire both experienced and fresh developers – they can perfectly complete each other’s skills and fill in gaps, influencing one another all the while.
  • To ensure everyone receives timely messages, use a centralized project management platform to store and share information in one hub.

They should also be able to ask the right questions that will boost the process of coding and sometimes be brave enough to say “no” or suggest better options whenever possible. Also, an important skill besides writing a coherent code is estimating the amount of time needed to deliver a given task. A team lead will of course need strong leadership and communication skills. Software developers aren’t just grouped together according to their experience level, but also to their skillset and specialization.

Product Owner

In project management, scrum allows for quick development as the work is carried out in small parts called sprints. Another way is to broaden their knowledge of a specific language or subset the organization uses. They must show you that they are willing to improve to move up the ranks.

software development team roles and responsibilities

A software architect is a person liable for describing the complete architecture system of a project. They do high-level designing based on non-frictional needs and dictate coding standards with tools and platforms. They define the technical and functional architecture of the entire system. They give ideas about the best alternatives given the engineering and business aspect. It is important to have a good UX designer in a software development team when you want to know your users, their problems and needs. The main focus of this specialist is set on product usability and functionality.


We hope this breakdown gives you the insights you need to enter into conversations about software development with confidence. The responsibilities of a team lead vary from company to company, and here is how Miles Tjandrawidjaja of ApplyBoard, a Canadian educational company, spends a typical day as a software team lead. Here’s how one of the project managers at Willowtree, a mobile app development agency, breaks down her workday. After all, the project managers facilitate communication with senior management. Similarly, when developers have suggestions, they approach the project manager, who considers the input and takes it up with the management if appropriate. Depending on the product, this role is greatly adaptable—you won’t see two product managers with the same schedule, not even within the same company.

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