Pros and Cons of Board Members

For many people being invited to join a board is an exciting thing. It can increase your credibility increase your reach and ultimately result in more opportunities in your professional or business.

If you're uncertain if serving on a board is worth the hassles of meetings, settling disputes, and analyzing financial statements, take note that money is not usually a primary motivator for board members. Your experience as a board member will help you build a variety of professional skills, which could be very beneficial to your professional career.

If you are on a board of a startup in its beginning stages you may be able to take on a role in the running of the company that you would not be able do in your current job. Boards based on areas of study like medical, insurance/managed, law/finance/banking, real-estate, marketing, or public policy could also benefit from this.

In addition to the education opportunities Board membership can also provide the chance to work closely with executives and leaders from different industries. Working together to solve difficult problems can result in strong personal bonds.

Of course there are other elements that influence the decision to become a member of the board including compensation and unique benefits that range from use of the corporate jet to access to company products to test. It is essential to be well-informed about the expectations of the organization which includes time commitments, clear communication, and your capacity to contribute.

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