A board of directors is a fantastic method to ensure that your business will be run efficiently and decisions made in a fair and open manner. But for the board to be effective, it is essential that all members are engaged and present at every meeting. Poor meeting attendance causes a loss of productivity and contributes to the decline of effective leadership. Here are a few suggestions to help you improve your board of directors meetings.

Plan ahead: Make sure that all board members receive pertinent information, such as reports, financial statements, and other background information in advance of the meeting to ensure they are prepared to take part with thoughtful questions. By sending information ahead of time, board members time to check their schedules and make sure they can attend.

Start your meeting promptly. The meeting should be called to order and confirm the quorum. This will show the board that they respect everyone's time.

Create a clear procedure for making decisions: A clear process for making decisions can help keep the discussion on track and stops the distraction of tangents that could disrupt or derail the discussion.

Encourage active participation: Creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their insights and perspectives can be challenging. The chairperson has a crucial role to play in this as they can facilitate participation by inviting input from all sides and encouraging discussion that is balanced and constructive. They can also establish ground rules for the discussion in order to encourage concise comments and equal airtime for all participants.

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