Business and media on the internet are a vital part of the modern world. The digital platform enables unique connections with customers and brand awareness to attract customers to your products or services. You can also bring traffic to your website via social media such as search engine results, social media and other websites. This will increase the revenue potential of your website.

Digital media companies create, produce or distribute digital content on various platforms. Examples include podcasts, videos, blogs and e-commerce websites. Some of these businesses offer a subscription service, similar to the traditional newspaper or magazine models, where customers pay a fee to get access to content throughout the month.

Digital media has new revenue streams that were not available before. It's important for a media company to be aware of these new possibilities and how they can be used to their advantage.

Owned media, paid media and earned media are the three primary categories in digital media. Owned media is content that your company owns and controls including your blog, website, and social media channels. The more owned media an company owns, the more its visibility in search engine result pages. It is therefore important to optimize your own media to ensure that search engines can find it and rank it. Paid media refers to things such as PPC and social media ads and retargeting ads. Earned content is the content that you get from your customers which can help you establish your brand, like recommendations on social media, or e-WOM (electronic word of mouth).

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