Official more on polish women more on statistics put the current birthrate at just over 1.3 children for each woman – a figure below both the EU average and the threshold of generational renewal. But the birthrate is again declining and Kaczynski admitted last month the program isn't working as intended. The birthrate stood at 1.32 children per woman in 2021, according to Polish state statistics. They also argue that Kaczynski, the most powerful politician in Poland since 2015, is himself partly responsible for the the low birthrate in the central European nation of 38 million people. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the head of Poland's ruling party Law and Justice, speaks at a news conference in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday Oct. 26, 2021. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the ruling Law & Justice party, made the comment at a meeting with voters late on Saturday in Elk, northeastern Poland.

  • A day before Black Monday in Poland, a video circulated of women in Iceland expressing support for the Polish protests.
  • The hospital issued a statement afterward defending the doctors’ actions, saying that they had done “everything in their power” to save her life and had acted in accordance with Polish law.
  • The top three places for the most wins in the annual most popular sportsperson contest, the Plebiscite of Przegląd Sportowy, are occupied by women.
  • It was just the latest in a string of recent broadsides by Kaczynski at targets as varied as Poland’s opposition, its transgender community andGermany.

A new study suggests surgery may not always be necessary for all breast cancer patients. A small early-stage clinical trial found that a carefully selected group of patients who responded remarkably well to chemotherapy could skip surgery altogether.

OECD definition, 2019)Gender Inequality IndexValue0.109 Rank31st out of 191 Global Gender Gap IndexValue0.713 Rank75th out of 156The character of Polish women is shaped by Poland's history, culture, and politics. Poland has a long history of feminist activism, and was one of the first nations in Europe to enact women's suffrage. It is also strongly influenced by the conservative social views of the Catholic Church. S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. Women on average drink significantly less than men, according to thegovernment’sagency for the prevention of alcohol-related problems.

Portrait of a Polish Woman

Member states should actively support people in Poland seeking access to abortion. The European Commission and EU member states should urgently address rule of law breaches and their impact on women’s human rights, including reproductive rights, in Poland. The European Commission should trigger legal infringement proceedings for Polish authorities’ use of a politically compromised Constitutional Tribunal to erode the rights of people in Poland and undermine democratic checks and balances, in blatant violation of the EU Treaties.

Central Banks

The rest of the population is roughly split between reverting to milder restrictions and legalizing terminations. Abortion has seized the United States’ attention anew with the prospect that, as early as this month, the Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade, the decision that has made the procedure terminating a pregnancy legal for nearly 50 years. If Roe is overturned, half of American women stand to lose legal access to abortion. U.S. women can learn from strategies Polish women have deployed, said Giselle Carino of Fòs Feminista, an activist organization that fights for women’s rights around the world. WARSAW, Poland — Americans fearing the worst if the Supreme Court repeals Roe v. Wade could look to the Poles for tips about how to fight for abortion rights and find ways around harsh government-imposed restrictions. Nonetheless, for many composers the aesthetic, autonomous values of their music are more important than the social conditions of its creation. Great music is as likely to be composed in a totalitarian system as in a country respecting civil rights.

Therefore, symptom management and addressing psychological functioning may play a role in improving quality of life in women with lipedema. Furthermore, there is a need for proper knowledge, diagnosis, and treatment of lipedema in Poland. Increased knowledge on the condition will allow for further studies and effective treatment (with additional focus given to self-management).

Women living in conservative states like Texas or Idaho would likely be forced to do the same by seeking abortion services in states with far fewer restrictions, advocates have said. "It may be difficult to get abortions in Poland, but we have our ways," Polish feminist Krystyna Kacpura says.

Outrage built up in Poland on Monday after the governing party’s leader, Jarosław Kaczyński, claimed excessive drinking by young women was to blame for the EU country’s low birthrate. In particular, critics point to increased restrictions on abortion that have discouraged some women from seeking to get pregnant. Others note the difficulty that young people have in raising families amid inflation that is reaching nearly 18%. As of 2023, abortion in Poland is legal in cases of rape and when the woman's life or any form of health is in jeopardy. Long before the emancipation movement, women in Poland had an important social role mainly due to the numerous conflicts and threats that kept men away from home. The political and economic situation required women to become self-sufficient and courageous.

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